Video: PETA Shows Kids Where Meat Comes From?
For Immediate Release:
30 January 2020
Jennifer White +44 (0) 20 7837 6327, ext 222; [email protected]
Video Highlights the Horrors of the Meat Industry
London – In PETA ‘s latest video, kids are asked where meat comes from, and their answers – among them ” poo”, ” vegetables” and a spirited chicken dance – make it clear they don ‘t know the truth about whom they ‘re eating … But if they did, how would they feel?
“Children have a natural empathy for animals, so they’d be horrified to learn the truth – that pigs, hens, cows, and others are turned into the meat humans eat,” says PETA Director Elisa Allen. “Let’s not make them support an industry we wouldn’t even want them to know about – and instead, feed them nutritious, delicious vegan food.”
PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat” – opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. The group notes that each year, the food industry is responsible for the daily suffering and terrifying deaths of billions of animals – who experience joy, pain, fear, love, and grief and value their lives, just as humans do. In today’s meat, egg, and dairy industries, cows are forcibly separated from their beloved calves, chickens’ throats are slit while they’re still conscious, and piglets may be castrated and their tails cut off without painkillers.
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