Thousands Join PETA in Opposing Pig Prison
Thousands Join PETA in Opposing Pig Prison
Over 20,000 People Agree: Application for Massive Doncaster Farm Must Be Killed and Buried
Sprotbrough – After hearing that an intensive farm could be built in Sprotbrough that would condemn nearly 1,000 pigs at a time – and almost 3,000 per year – to a life of misery, over 20,000 concerned residents and PETA supporters have signed a petition urging Doncaster Council to reject the application.
“From the increase in traffic and potential environmental harm to the knowledge that thousands of sensitive pigs would suffer and die inside filthy sheds, the proposed facility would be a blight on Doncaster’s landscape and its reputation,” says PETA Senior Campaigns Manager Kate Werner. “If Doncaster Council visited one of these intensive farms, saw the terrified animals, heard their screams, and smelled the putrid stench of ammonia, faeces, and rotting flesh, it would surely refuse permission for this hellhole.”
PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat” and which opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview – warns that on factory farms, sharp-minded pigs are crammed into squalid, severely crowded sheds and denied psychological stimulation and the opportunity to engage in any natural behaviour. At the abattoir, many pigs aren’t properly stunned before have their throats are cut. In addition to tarnishing the community’s reputation, such a large-scale operation could have adverse effects on the surrounding countryside and ecosystem, marring the beautiful scenery and generating water, soil, and air pollution as well as high levels of noise, traffic, and unpleasant odours, undoubtedly disturbing residents. And on a global scale, factory farms are among the main contributors to the greenhouse-gas emissions that cause climate change.
PETA has released two exposés – which can be viewed here and here – providing a glimpse into the suffering endured by pigs on factory farms in the UK.
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Jennifer White +44 (0) 20 7837 6327; [email protected]