Photos: ‘Go Vegan or Put a Cork in It!’ Says PETA in Manchester Billboard Blitz

5 June 2024

Photos: ‘Go Vegan or Put a Cork in It!’ Says PETA in Manchester Billboard Blitz

Manchester – Today, in honour of World Environment Day (5 June), PETA plastered 38 billboards across Manchester city centre – one of the UK’s most eco-friendly locales and the green jobs capital of the UK – to reach locals with a simple but effective message: “Care about the planet? Then either go vegan or put a cork in it.” PETA hopes its plea will support Manchester City Council, which recently spent nearly £30,000 on adverts encouraging residents to make eco-friendly lifestyle changes, in its bid to spread the word about how to help tackle the climate catastrophe.

The billboards can be found on Deansgate and Market Street, at St Ann’s Square and Manchester Victoria station, and in Spinningfields – at Hardman Square and on Hardman Street, Bridge Street, and The Avenue. It will be live for one week. High-resolution images are available here. Credit: Vincent Cole Photography

“Eating meat, eggs, and dairy while claiming to care about the Earth is like pouring petrol on a fire that’s burning down your house,” says PETA Vice President of Programmes Elisa Allen. “PETA is asking Mancunians to take personal responsibility for the climate catastrophe by going vegan, and we have free vegan starter kits for all looking to make the switch.”

The United Nations states that animal agriculture is responsible for nearly a fifth of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions and that raising animals for food is “one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global”. Widespread adoption of vegan eating could cut global greenhouse gas emissions by 70% by 2050 in addition to preventing animals from suffering on filthy factory farms before their throats are slit at slaughterhouses.

PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat” – opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. For more information, please visit or follow the group on Facebook, X, TikTok, or Instagram.


Lucy Watson +44 (0) 20 7837 6327; [email protected]
