Photos: Duck Defender ‘Force-Fed’ Outside Winchester Wine Bar in PETA Foie Gras Protest
Photos: Duck Defender ‘Force-Fed’ Outside Winchester Wine Bar in PETA Foie Gras Protest
Winchester – Today, a PETA supporter sat at a dining table outside Winchester’s Margaux Lounge next to a sign declaring, “Foie Gras: Torture in a Tin. Ban It!” while being “force-fed” their dinner through a tube – the same way foie gras producers pump grain into the stomachs of terrified geese and ducks to enlarge their livers, a process that is so inhumane it is illegal in the UK. The action is part of PETA’s push for Margaux Lounge to remove cruelly produced foie gras from the menu.
Photos and video footage are available here and here.
The action follows news that the government may renege on its pre-election commitment to ban “the commercial import of foie gras, where ducks and geese are aggressively force-fed.” Ministers have recently declined to reinstate this pledge ahead of negotiations with the EU regarding a veterinary agreement that could scupper the ban.
PETA notes that King Charles has banned foie gras from all Royal residences, and notable chefs such as Alexis Gauthier of Gauthier Soho have created luxurious faux gras recipes using 100 percent vegan ingredients, including mushrooms and walnuts. In addition, many top businesses – including Fortnum & Mason – have made the compassionate and business-savvy decision to ban foie gras. Three quarters of the UK public support a ban on imports.
“Dishing up the diseased livers of force-fed birds is appalling and unjustifiable,” says PETA Senior Campaigns Manager Werner. “PETA is calling on Margaux Lounge to ban this ‘delicacy of despair’ and for the UK government to make good on its promise to end imports. Diners should speak up for ducks whenever they see foie gras on offer.”
PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to abuse in any other way” – points out that Every Animal Is Someone and offers free Empathy Kits. For more information, please visit or follow the group on Facebook, X, TikTok, or Instagram.
Jennifer White +44 (0) 20 7837 6327; [email protected]