PHOTOS: Bloody, Trapped ‘Coyote’ Protests Outside Canada Goose Store on Fur-Free Friday

PHOTOS: Bloody, Trapped ‘Coyote’ Protests Outside Canada Goose Store on Fur-Free Friday

To mark Fur-Free Friday (24 November), PETA took the message that animals are abused and killed for their fur to London’s Regent Street today. In an eye-catching demonstration outside Canada Goose’s brand-new flagship store, PETA supporters – accompanied by a bloody “coyote” in a steel trap – held signs reading, “Trapped and Terrified” and “Coyotes Suffer for Canada Goose.”

Photos are available here, here, and here.

“Coyotes not only look like dogs but also are equally sensitive, playful, and intelligent,” says PETA Director Elisa Allen. “PETA urges compassionate shoppers to shun Canada Goose’s cruelly produced jackets, which are trimmed with coyote fur.”

PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear” – notes that coyotes trapped in the wild for their fur can suffer for days while facing blood loss, shock, dehydration, frostbite, gangrene, and attacks by predators. Mothers desperate to get back to their starving pups have even been known to chew through their own limbs in an attempt to escape. Animals who haven’t already died are often strangled, stamped on, or bludgeoned to death when the trapper returns. Canada Goose’s jackets are also stuffed with down, which is ripped out of geese who are violently killed for both their feathers and flesh – their throats are often slit while they’re still conscious and able to feel pain.

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