PETA’S Live ‘Love-In Tour’ Beds Down In Barcelona

Vegetarians Make Better Lovers, Couple Contends

For Immediate Release:
25 August 2004

Ravi Chand +44 779 185 7041 (cellular)
Sean Gifford +44 20 7357 9229, ext 226

Barcelona – In a public display of passion that’s bound to raise a few eyebrows and turn lots of heads, two PETA members – a US Marine wearing only boxer shorts and a raven-haired beauty decked out in sexy lingerie – will get passionate in a bed set up on the pavement. The couple is determined to make the point that vegetarians are better lovers because they avoid meat and dairy products, which clog the arteries to all the body’s organs, not just the heart. While the comely couple is “getting it on”, supporters will distribute free vegetarian starter kits to let passers-by know how they can spice up their own sex lives. It’s all part of PETA’s “Live Love-In Tour”:

Date: Thursday, 26 August
Time: 12 noon
Place: La Rambla, near Catalunya Metro Station

Why do vegetarians triumph over meat-eaters in the bedroom? For one thing, vegans and vegetarians are, on average, fitter and trimmer and have more energy and stamina than people who eat fat-laden meat, dairy products and those cholesterol time bombs, eggs. Vegans and vegetarians don’t have to turn to chemical potions with countless side effects like Viagra to be up for the task (the cholesterol in meat and other animal products causes hardening of the arteries, slowing the flow of blood to all the body’s vital organs). And there’s something very sexy about someone who refuses to turn a blind eye to the suffering of animals raised and killed for food.

“What could be more of a turn-on than snuggling up to someone who’s both passionate and compassionate?” asks PETA Europe Director Dawn Carr. “Try a veggie burger in the kitchen for a whopper in the bedroom!”

For more information, please visit PETA’s Web site
