PETA’S Hot ‘Leopard Ladies’ Plan Anti-Fur Icecapade At Downtown Skating Rink

Body-Painted Beauties Bare All for Animals

For Immediate Release:
10 February 2004

Sean Gifford +44 (0)20 7357 9229, ext. 226

The Hague — Wearing nothing but painted-on leopard spots and synthetic skates, sexy “Leopard Ladies” will greet shoppers and tourists with the message that only animals should wear fur by skating around ’T Spui with a banner reading, “We’d Rather Bare Skin Than Wear Skin.”

Date: Friday, 10 February
Time: 12 noon sharp
Place: ’T Spui, Den Haag

Why does fur have PETA’s leopards growling? Animals trapped for fur suffer excruciating pain, often for days, before having their chests stomped or their necks broken by trappers. Beavers caught in underwater traps struggle frantically before drowning. On fur farms, animals spend their entire lives in tiny, filthy cages, where they suffer physical and psychological distress before being killed by poisoning, gassing, anal electrocution, or neck-breaking. A recent undercover investigation at a U.S. fur farm revealed horrific abuses, including neck-breaking and painful electrocution suffered by chinchillas who had clips attached to their bodies and plugged directly into the wall, causing them to writhe in agony. 

PETA’s Leopard Ladies plan to reach even the coldest-hearted fur-wearers with their message. “By showing some of our skin, we hope to save animals’ skins,” says Leopard Lady Natasschja Hettelder.
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