PETA To Prisons Minister: Place Convicted Pig Killer On Meatless Diet
8 January 2010
To: News Reporters
From: Sam Glover 020 7357 9229, ext 229; [email protected]
Re: PETA to Prisons Minister: Place Convicted Pig Killer on Meatless Diet
This morning, PETA sent a letter to Prisons Minister Maria Eagle urging her to order authorities to place convicted arsonist Paul Waterfield on a vegan diet. Waterfield admitted to dousing his partner’s potbellied pig, Harriet, with petrol and killing the animal by setting her ablaze after the couple broke up last August. Waterfield also torched the woman’s car. He was sentenced to four years in jail. In the letter, PETA points out that we all know that animals feel pain – just as humans do – and that other pigs should not die to satisfy a killer’s bloodlust. PETA also notes that vegan food is healthy and cost-effective.
“Considering the immense pain and terror that this pig experienced, Waterfield shouldn’t be allowed to cause the suffering of one more animal”, says PETA’s Alistair Currie. “A diet of bacon, pork and other animal-derived products is based on violence, so those are the last foods that violent criminals should be given.”
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PETA’s letter to Prisons Minister Maria Eagle follows.
Maria Eagle MP
Minister of State
102 Petty France
Via e-mail: [email protected]
8 January 2010
Dear Ms Eagle:
The PETA Foundation is an affiliate of the world’s largest animal rights organisation, which has more than 2 million members and supporters worldwide dedicated to animal protection. On behalf of PETA and our members and supporters, I am writing to ask that you prevent recently convicted Paul Waterfield from being involved in any more senseless swine killings whilst in prison by feeding him a compassionate diet free from all pork or other animal products.
As you know, Waterfield doused his former partner’s pet pig in petrol and set her on fire. She later had to euthanised as a result of her injuries. Waterfield admitted in court to arson and to being reckless as to whether life would be endangered.
Obviously, like humans, animals are made of flesh, blood and bone. They have the same five senses that we do, and they have the same capacity to experience suffering and fear. All animals share the desire to live their lives free of pain and to avoid a violent death. Feeding prisoners pasta instead of pork chops will help decrease violence in our society.
Vegetarian meals are healthy, cost-efficient and easy to prepare. They also promote non-violence, which is something beneficial to all prisons. We would be happy to help you design meatless meal plans for Waterfield – or even for prisons as a whole. I encourage you to watch this video, which depicts the cruelty of factory farming, and to consider these delicious vegetarian recipes for Waterfield’s meals.
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. I can be contacted on 0207 357 9229, extension 238, or at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Mimi Bekhechi
Operations Manager