PETA Delivers Humane Rat Trap To 10 Downing Street
For Immediate Release:
27 January 2011
Sandra Smiley 0207 357 9229, ext 229; [email protected]
PETA is relieved to hear that 10 Downing Street intends to deal with “the matter” of its rodent guests “by as humane a method as possible”. That’s why PETA has sent a letter – along with a humane rat trap – to David Cameron. The group wants to ensure that only the most humane rodent-control method – catch and release – is used to discourage any unwanted furry visitors from taking up residence at the Prime Minister’s home and office.
“The public would be pleased to hear that no animals are being harmed at Number 10”, says PETA Foundation Manager Mimi Bekhechi. “We’re encouraging the Prime Minister to find a solution that everyone can live with – including the rats and mice who tolerate whichever party happens to move into their neighbourhood.”
PETA’s letter to Prime Minister David Cameron follows. For more information, please visit
Rt Hon David Cameron MP
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
London, SW1A 2AA
26 January 2011
Dear Prime Minister,
I am writing on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), one of the largest animal rights charities in the UK. When we heard about the rodent visitor who has recently made appearances on Number 10’s doorstep, we were inspired to lend you a hand. Enclosed, please find a humane rodent trap (which allows the animals to be captured without harm) so that you can gently move any unwanted small furry visitors away from Number 10.
Like pigeons, mites and, as some may remark, even some of your predecessors, rats are opportunistic survivors. Rat populations thrive according to the availability of food, water and shelter. Simply modifying the environment to make it less desirable to rats will encourage them to stay away. These modifications can include keeping food in sealed containers and sealing any holes in walls and foundations. Using live traps rather than lethal methods means your uninvited caller can be harmlessly released into a non-populated area.
Glue traps, usually flat trays coated with adhesive, should be avoided at all costs – trapped animals are subject to starvation and dehydration, and some even chew off their own limbs in an attempt to escape. Poison is also an especially cruel killer that affects rats’ nervous systems and causes violent convulsions before the animals finally succumb to the effects of the toxin.
May we look forward to hearing that you’ll refrain from using violent means to solve the problem of uninvited visitors at 10 Downing Street?
Thank you for your time and attention.
Yours sincerely,
Mimi Bekhechi
PETA Foundation Manager