For Immediate Release:
19th April, 1999

Andrew Butler: 0181 875 1085


Brighton — Three fairies may not seem out of place on the streets of Kemptown. But outside Safeway tomorrow afternoon, PETA’s own “fairies”-waving signs reading, “Fairy is Scary for Animals”-will take flight to let shoppers know that Fairy washing up liquid-and other Procter & Gamble products-are cruelly tested on animals:

Date: Tuesday, 20th April
Time: 12 noon to 1:00 pm
Place: Safeway, St James’ St, Kemptown

Thousands of animals are still killed in Procter & Gamble’s laboratories, where workers drip chemicals into animals’ eyes, force them to inhale and swallow massive doses of compounds and rub irritating substances onto animals’ shaved and raw skin.

More than 550 companies, including many of P&G’s competitors like Gillette and Avon, ensure their customers’ safety by using more accurate, nonanimal tests. But Procter & Gamble refuses to switch, even for cosmetics and household products, which make up the majority of the company’s products and are not required by law to be tested on animals.

For more information, please visit our Web site: