Nude Model Painted With Butcher’S Diagram To Mark World Week For The Abolition Of Meat

For Immediate Release:
26 January 2012

Elisa Allen +44 (0) 20 7357 9229, ext 243; [email protected]

Photos are available here, here and here.

London – Defying chilly January temperatures by stripping down to nothing but panties and paint markings that mimic a butcher’s diagram of body parts, Sophie Barrett, who was recently crowned Europe’s Sexiest Vegetarian by PETA, protested the meat industry today by standing behind a poster reading, “All Animals Have the Same Parts: Abolish Meat”. The pro-vegetarian action marks World Week for the Abolition of Meat.

PETA’s point? That animals are more than walking entrées. They are made of flesh, blood and bone, just as humans are. They have the same bodily organs, the same five senses and the same emotions, ranging from joy and contentment to depression and fear.
Banishing meat from one’s plate benefits both the planet and one’s body. Vegetarians and vegans are, on average, significantly trimmer than meat-eaters are, and they are less likely to suffer from heart disease, cancer, strokes and diabetes. A recent United Nations report concluded that a global shift towards a diet free of animal-derived products is vital in order to combat against world hunger and the worst effects of climate change.
“Animals aren’t ‘breasts’ or ‘thighs’ or ‘flanks'”, says Sophie. “Animals think, feel and want to live, just as you and I do. By exposing my body, I hope to expose others to the benefits of a meat-free, cruelty-free diet. World Week for the Abolition of Meat is the perfect time to make the switch!”