Human Slaughter: Man Strung Up and ‘Butchered’ on World Vegan Day

For Immediate Release:

1 November 2016


Jennifer White +44 (0) 20 7837 6327, ext 222; [email protected]


PETA Asked Londoners to Spare a Thought for Animals Killed for Their Flesh

London- Today, on World Vegan Day, gasps were heard at Marble Arch when PETA hung a nearly naked man upside down and “slit” his throat to remind people what every shrink-wrapped slab of meat at the grocer’s really is: the dismembered corpse of an animal who wanted to live. The display pointed out that we can spare sensitive, intelligent animals a life of pain and misery by simply switching to healthy and humane vegan meals.

Photos are available here, here and here.

“Meat is a product of a bloody and violent industry with no respect for living beings who value their lives and experience the same pain and terror that humans would if they were killed for a steak”, says PETA Director Elisa Allen. “This World Vegan Day, PETA is calling on caring people everywhere to stand up for what’s right and switch to delicious and cruelty-free vegan meals.”

PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat” – has documented that chickens’ and turkeys’ throats are cut while they’re still conscious, piglets’ tails are cut off without painkillers, cows are hung upside down and often skinned alive, and calves in the dairy industry are taken from their mothers within hours of birth. On the decks of fishing boats, fish slowly suffocate or are cut open while they’re still alive.

PETA’s free vegan starter kit is downloadable from its website, where people can also sign a 30-day vegan pledge and receive helpful tips and advice on switching to a healthier, more humane, and more environmentally friendly diet.

Video footage is available upon request. For more information, please visit
