Gucci House of Horrors Faces ‘Bloody’ PETA Runway Over Exotic Skins Cruelty

Gucci House of Horrors Faces ‘Bloody’ PETA Runway Over Exotic Skins Cruelty

LondonOn the heels of a new PETA Asia investigation into an Indonesian abattoir that supplies Gucci, which revealed workers bashing lizards in the head with machetes and hacking at their necks in botched decapitation attempts, PETA supporters descended on Gucci’s flagship London store today to demand that the company ban exotic skins – as well as to deter last-minute Christmas shoppers from purchasing these products of cruelty. Models strutted in front of the store carrying handbags soaked in “blood” and signs saying, “Gucci: Bin Bloody Exotic Skins” and “Gucci: House of Horrors”.

Photos of the action are available here.

“No purse is worth an animal’s agonising death,” says PETA Director Elisa Allen. “PETA is calling on Gucci to give animals some peace on Earth by joining the growing list of forward-thinking designers who have banned cruelly obtained exotic skins from their collections.”

Because of their unique physiology, lizards do not die instantaneously after being beheaded, and their brains can remain fully able to feel pain for over 30 minutes. The video shows two instances in which lizards’ heads moved after decapitation. PETA notes that the footage directly contradicts claims by Gucci’s parent company, Kering, that it is committed to “implementing and verifying the highest standards of animal welfare across [its] supply chains” as well as its animal welfare guidelines, which call for “humane handling at end of life”.

PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear”– opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. For more information, please visit or follow the group on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram.


Jennifer White +44 (0) 20 7837 6327; [email protected]
