Dolce & Gabbana Suspected Of Using Cat Fur

For Immediate Release:
March 9, 1999

Andrew Butler: 0181 875 1085


London — Shocking new evidence, revealed for the first time in the UK on Friday’s Newsnight, showing that cat and dog fur is being imported into Britain and used to make and trim fur garments sold in Europe, has angered animal protection campaigners.

An undercover investigation by German film maker Manfred Karremann has revealed how dogs and cats are bred in China and then often skinned alive so that their pelts can be used to make fur garments. It was also revealed that Dolce & Gabbana unveiled a micro-skirt made from “Chinese Cat” at their Milan collection last week.

Dolce & Gabbana are already the target of high profile protests by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Last year PETA’s Dan Mathews invaded and occupied their flag ship store in Milan. Now PETA members will unleash their full fury outside D&G’s London store:

Date: Tuesday 9th March
Time: 11:00am
Place: Dolce & Gabbana, Sloane Street, London SW1

The protesters will carry blow-ups of artwork donated by renowned American Artist Judy Chicago. It bears the message, “Would You Wear Your Dog?” and juxtaposes the image of a woman wrapped in fur with shocking real-life photographs of a black Labrador puppy whose paw is caught in a trap. The ads, which have already run in Washington and Chicago, will be part of an extensive campaign running in cities throughout North America and Europe this Spring.

Says Chicago, “A fox is dog; a lynx is a cat; a raccoon is a bit of both. I want to challenge the idea that you walk, love and pet one – and skin the other.”

It is estimated that every year 2-3 million dogs and cats are killed for their fur in Asia, their skins sold to unwitting customers as fur trim on coats, hats and gloves in the United States and Europe.

For a copy of the Judy Chicago ad, photographs from Manfred Karremann’s investigation or last years protest in Milan please call Andrew Butler on 0181 875 1085.

PETA Europe Ltd. | PO Box 3169 | London SW18 4WJ | 0181 870 3966