Non–Animal-Tested Companion Animal Food

Black Dog on GrassIf you have animal companions, it is likely you will do whatever you can to ensure their safety and comfort, including feeding them the very best food. What some pet food companies are hiding from consumers, however, is that animals like your own are confined to laboratories and subjected to invasive tests for claims on their products.

We have compiled a list of companies that do not test their pet food on animals and that only carry out palatability tests with companion animals at home. Palatability studies involve feeding animals new formulations to see if they will eat or like them.

The list below outlines the companies that have signed a PETA Statement of Assurance  pledging that they do not conduct, contract out or fund animal tests in the developing, manufacturing, testing or marketing of their products. You are entitled to know if you are giving money to a pet food company that is responsible for the confinement and pain of animals in laboratories – animals  who are just like the ones you care for at home.

One particularly notorious company which has carried out cruel and invasive tests is Iams. This company has a history of animal abuse, including near-constant confinement to barren cages, surgical debarking and the removal of chunks of muscle from dogs’ thighs. While Iams have made some improvements in response to an exposé by PETA US as well as campaign pressure from PETA affiliates across the world, they still confine cats and dogs in their own American laboratories for many years to conduct tests.

UK Companies

Almo Nature
020 3332 0087

02392 45 33 55
(vegetarian/vegan food, available in the UK from

Antos Ltd
0844 800 9201
(vegetarian dog snacks available)

Barker & Barker
01253 811887
(includes vegetarian dog treats)

Barking Heads & Meowing Heads
0808 100 8885

Beco Pets
+44 (0)20 8673 0943

02392 45 33 55
(vegetarian/vegan food, available in the UK from Veggie Pets)

Burns Pet Nutrition Ltd
01554 890482

Cambrian Pet Foods Ltd
01559 384216

CLINIVET ® Nutrition
028 9447 3840

The Co-operative Food

CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds
01745 710470

Devoted Pet Foods
0121 323 2535
(available in UK and Europe, Singapore, Hong Kong)

Eden Holistic Pet Foods Ltd
01782 322409

Europa Pet Foods
0845 658 0987

0870 977 0044

Forthglade Ltd
01837 83322

Fromm and Eagle Pack
01531 633985

Growling Tums Healthy Dog Food
[email protected]
(available in the UK)

Guru Pet Food
01257 255800

0800 298 7054
(bird food)

Healthy Paws
0151 931 3336

Herbie Wilde
(available in the UK)

Land of Holistic Pets Ltd
0845 373 4120
(vegetarian dog food available)

Laughing Dog
01788 810283

Lily’s Kitchen
0845 680 5459

Mariners Choice
01472 867170

Mark and Chappell
01582 583888

Millies Wolfheart
01535 280319
(available in the UK, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain, Republic of Ireland, Greece and Estonia.)

My Pet Foods
01227 723816
(rabbit food)

Nature Diet
01362 822320

0845 3880935

Pero Pet Foods
0800 917 9697

Pets’ Kitchen
01793 887555

Pooch & Mutt
020 8133 7667

Pure Pet Food Ltd
020 3326 2970

Roger Skinner Limited
01379 384 247

[email protected]

Solid Gold Health Products

Supreme Petfoods Limited
01473 823296
(food for rabbits and small animals)

The Dog Deli
01603 860 896

The Pack

Tooth and Tail Ltd
01386 854540

Trophy Pet Foods
01367 240333

[email protected]
(available in the UK)

02392 45 33 55
(vegan food, available in the UK from

Vitalin Pet Foods
01765 605156

Vonziu Elite Ltd
03333 5555 20
(available in the UK and Ireland)

Yarrah Organic Petfood
(organic food including vegetarian/vegan dog food which can be ordered in the UK from their website)

EU Companies

Almo Nature
+39 010 25 35 400
(available in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Switzerland and the UK)

Anfit AG
+41 71 788 56 90
(available in Switzerland and Germany)

Aniwell®Gruppo Vezza S.p.A.
00 800 800 100 80
(products distributed from Italy to all EU countries)

Beco Pets
+44 (0)20 8673 0943
(available across the EU)

Biomill SA
(available in Switzerland and Germany)

Euro Service sas (Denkadog & Denkycat)
+39 (0)143 889638

(Vegetarian. Available in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, France)

+34 935753979
(available in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Croatia, Check Republic, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Greece, China, India, and Poland)

+39 0426 59140
(available in Germany, France, Switzerland, Slovenia, Poland, Estonia, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Croatia, Poland, Finland, Latvia, Greece, Singapore and Japan)

+39 0429 / 785401
(available in Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland, Slovenia, Hungary, Germany, UK, Norway and Latvia)

(0034)972 527 102
(available in Spain, France, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Serbia, Poland, Bulgaria)
+33 6 46 13 25 94
(available in France)

NP Industries (DisugualProfessional Pets)
+39 0432 699322
(available in Italy, Spain, France, Greece, Switzerland, Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria)

Perro GmbH
(available in Germany and Austria)

Proteco Food & Feed SL
+34 638352422
(available in Spain)

Vivaldi Tiernahrung VertriebsgmbH
+43 2236 48 810
+41 241 10 10
(available in Switzerland, Germany and Austria)

If you know of another companion animal food company which you think should be on this list, please contact the company directly to ask them to get in touch with us.