4 Reasons You Should Never Buy Mink Eyelashes
Even though mink eyelashes are sold in the make-up aisle, the fur industry can’t conceal the cruelty involved in producing them. Animals are subjected to a lifetime of violence and neglect and, ultimately, a terrifying death for these products, no matter the price tag. Here are four reasons why you should never buy them:
- Mink eyelashes come from fur farms.
©Jo-Anne McArthur / #MakeFurHistory
Purveyors of fur stolen from minks for use in false eyelashes slap familiar labels on their products, like “ethically sourced”, “free-range”, and “cruelty-free”. But just like with meat, those labels serve only one purpose: to deceive consumers.Minks can’t be “free-range”. They’re solitary, territorial animals who become aggressive when they feel threatened, and they would fight if confined to a small area together. Instead, they’re kept separate in cramped wire cages on fur farms, where they are denied the opportunity to bathe, swim, burrow, or do anything else that’s natural and important to them and are often deprived of even basic necessities such as food, water, and veterinary care.
- Mink eyelashes come from fur farms.
- Minks don’t need to be “brushed”.
Minks aren’t domestic cats. They don’t curl up in human laps for treats and brushing. These animals are naturally scared of humans (rightfully so), and being forcefully held by a human who’s pulling on their fur would, at best, be terrifying for them and could, at worst, cause them to lash out in self-defence. So it’s very likely that minks are being killed for eyelashes.
- Minks don’t need to be “brushed”.
- Animals imprisoned on fur farms are violently killed.
After a lifetime spent trapped in cramped wire cages, animals used for their fur are killed by electrocution, bludgeoning, gassing, or neck-breaking, and their skin may be torn off while they’re still conscious.Whichever slaughter method is used, every mink ends up dead, skinned, and discarded, never having had a chance to experience life as nature intended.
©Jo-Anne McArthur / #MakeFurHistory
- Animals imprisoned on fur farms are violently killed.
- European minks are endangered.
European mink http://t.co/8uHFaKY5aw pic.twitter.com/aktSxHtok3
— Amazing Nature (@endangeredbot) January 25, 2015
Since 2015, European minks have been on the extinction red list, meaning the species is critically endangered. Breeding and killing them for their fur does nothing to help sustain mink populations in their natural habitats.
Reject Cruelty to Animals
The best way to end the abuse of animals exploited in the fur industry is to steer clear of any item made with fur – whether that’s a coat, a key ring, or a set of eyelashes.
Support a #FurFreeBritain
Following a campaign by PETA and other animal-protection groups, including a petition signed by more than 100,000 members of the public, which triggered a parliamentary debate on the issue of animal-fur sales in Britain, the UK is closer than ever to becoming a fur-free zone. Now, please join us in calling on the government to follow through with meaningful steps towards introducing a ban.
Do More to Protect Animals Abused in the Fur Trade
If you’ve already signed that petition, please put your name to these other crucial letters and petitions to help thousands of minks, foxes, coyotes, and other animals exploited for their skin: