Around the world, sheep are exploited, abused, and killed – just so humans can wear their fleece. PETA entities have repeatedly exposed the violence and terror sheep are subjected to in the wool industry. Eleven video exposés document how sheep are treated as nothing more than wool-producing machines around the world. In the UK, abuse was documented at each of the 49 operations visited – workers kicked and punched sheep in the head and jabbed them in the face with sharp metal clippers. In Australia, a crew violently beat sheep and left them with gaping wounds after shearing.

These are just some examples of the cruelty inherent in this industry. Every wool jumper, cardigan, and scarf is the product of extreme suffering and abuse. Please, never buy or wear items made from wool.

Take Action Now

Urban Outfitters, Patagonia, and Allbirds sell items made from wool – and therefore profit from sheep’s extreme suffering, fear, and pain. Please tell them to drop wool now.

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Tell Urban Outfitters to Drop Wool Now!

Take Action Now Please take a moment to call on Urban Outfitters to ditch wool and all other animal-derived materials. Personalising your e-mail is best, but here's a template you can use as is or amend as you wish.
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  • Richard Hayne
  • Sheila Harrington
  • Margaret Hayne
  • Tricia Smith
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