These Kids Have a Powerful Message for the Fur Industry

Posted by on June 9, 2015 | Permalink

Every child who has seen 101 Dalmatians knows that killing an animal for fur is morally wrong and cruel. And the concern that compassionate kids have for animals doesn’t stop when the credits start rolling!

After learning about the fur industry, the 8- to 10-year-olds in this South West London primary school class wanted to do something. So they wrote these powerful anti-fur speeches in order to send the fur industry a message.

These cute videos of their heartfelt speeches are so powerful and clear that everyone can understand the true horror that goes into every fur garment.

Some fur sellers hide behind a marketing ploy called “Origin Assured”, which was created by the fur industry itself following years of plummeting sales. Fur that comes from farms in 29 countries can potentially be labelled “Origin Assured” simply because these countries have environmental standards, animal-welfare laws or best-practice guidelines on the books – but whether these regulations are enforced isn’t taken into consideration.

PETA’s recent video exposes the truth about “Origin Assured”.


© Oikeutta Eläimille