Hey Rishi Sunak: It’s Time to Introduce a Meat Tax
A PETA “chicken” crashed the chancellor of the exchequer’s photo call today, demanding a meat tax.
Why You Should Never Watch Live Zoo Cameras
When we watch animals on live zoo cameras, we’re viewing footage of a prison holding innocent individuals captive in claustrophobic cells.
PETA Billboards Call For End to Fur Farming in Italy and Denmark
Following COVID-19 outbreaks on fur farms in both countries, PETA has placed billboards in Italy and Denmark.
Is the Next Pandemic in Your Closet?
Raising and killing exotic animals for “luxury” fashion items can increase the risk of outbreaks of dangerous illnesses such as COVID-19.
Will Tofu Lights Appear at Blackpool’s Christmas Illuminations?
Tofu has never caused a pandemic, making it a fitting theme for a COVID-era Christmas display.
Denmark to Kill up to 17 Million Minks Over Coronavirus Mutation Concerns
Following the spread of a mutation of the novel coronavirus to humans on a Danish fur farm, Denmark has announced plans to kill up to 17 million minks.
Manchester Lockdown Prompts Pandemic Message From PETA
As COVID-19 cases rise, PETA urges people to make the connection between animal exploitation and human suffering.
Call for LVMH to Drop Fur and Exotic Skins Goes to Boardroom
Coronavirus risk, cruelty to animals – filthy fur and reptile farms need to be shut down.
UK Meat-Processing Plants Are COVID-19 Hotspots
Across the UK, hundreds of workers at meat-processing plants and abattoirs have tested positive for COVID-19.
VIDEO: Filmmaker Jack Harries Shows Reality of ‘Wet Markets’
Filmmaker Jack Harries joins forces with PETA in a brand-new video, discussing how animal exploitation breeds pandemics.