Sexy Santas Say, ‘Fortnum & Mason, Stop Selling Foie Gras’
PETA’s Sexy Santas were outside Fortnum & Mason yesterday with a little gift for shoppers. Our very own “Santa’s little helpers” handed out personalised carrier bags showing customers why Fortnum & Mason should get a lump of coal this Christmas for continuing to sell foie gras.
The bags, which feature the image of a dead goose and read, “Fortnum & Mason’s Idea of Wringing In the Holidays”, certainly had an impact on holiday shoppers!
There is no delicate way to put it: Foie gras is an unspeakably cruel product. Producers and sellers of foie gras such as Fortnum & Mason are set to have a profitable Christmas, whilst millions of ducks and geese languish in tiny wire cages. Anyone who buys foie gras is supporting an industry responsible for horrific animal abuse.
Please ask your friends and family to boycott Fortnum & Mason until they drop foie gras, and please take action to ask the store to end the sale of this “torture in a tin”.