Giant PETA ‘Leek’ Proclaims, ‘Leeks, Not Leaks. Try Vegan’
A PETA member dressed as a giant leek stalked the streets of Dublin with an important message.
‘Grim Reapers’ Haunt Bernard Matthews Meat Plant on Halloween
As COVID-19 infects workers at the Suffolk meat plant, PETA calls for the facility to shut down.
PHOTOS: PETA Demands Eli Lilly Ban Cruel Near-Drowning Test
Eli Lilly has terrified 3,400 mice and rats in the test since 1993. The abuse must stop now.
7 Reasons to Go Vegan During Lockdown
During these uncertain times, we can take action for a better tomorrow.
PETA’s Call for House of Fraser to Ditch Fur Reaches New Heights
PETA supporters released helium balloons with a special message for the retailer.
Why the European Parliament Should Relabel Meat, Not Veggie Burgers
Labelling on vegan food isn’t misleading – it’s animal “products” that are the biggest con of all.
Christmas Come Early? Drop in Demand for Live-Reindeer Displays
A report shows a drop in requests for reindeer displays this year – one of England’s biggest rent-a-reindeer companies has even experienced a 95% dip in bookings.
Live-Animal Event Ban Wins Councillor a PETA Award
Green Party Councillor Jo Burke has received a framed Compassionate Action Award from PETA.
‘Peri’ Good News! Nando’s Introduces Vegan Chicken
Some good news for 2020: the legendary restaurant is bringing out vegan chicken.
World Egg Day: The UK Egg Industry Is Lying to You
From the very moment they’re born until the day they’re sent to slaughter, chickens on egg farms endure a living nightmare.