Use Your Voice to Help Ban Hunting With Dogs in Northern Ireland
A public consultation on hunting wild mammals with dogs in Northern Ireland has been launched. Respond today to call for a ban and end this cruel blood sport.
Why PETA Called Piers Morgan a Pig
PETA’s senior media officer, Jennifer White, went head to head with Piers Morgan on “Good Morning Britain” – and won!
History in the Making! French National Assembly Votes to Protect Animals
A historic vote for animals took place this week in France.
When Will the University of Edinburgh Stop Using the Forced Swim Test?
The University of Edinburgh continues to use mice and rats in the notorious forced swim test.
Here’s How You Can Help Homeless Animals in Romania This Winter
For animals in desperate need, winter’s worst may be yet to come. You can help them.
Will Scottish Fishing Industry Workers Become Kelp Farmers?
PETA is offering workers a chance to reinvent themselves in a way that benefits them, other animals, and the environments.
Great News: ExxonMobil Cuts Ties With Iditarod Dog-Sled Race!
Following pressure from PETA and our international affiliates, ExxonMobil is ending its decades-long sponsorship of the deadly dog-sled race.
Billboard Urges the UK’s Least Vegan-Friendly City to ‘Change’
PETA has placed a massive ad in Bradford with a powerful message.
Is Eating Meat Killing Koalas?
Every beef burger, steak, and serving of mince is contributing to a crisis for wild animals.
7 Celebs Who Have Made the Connection Between Animal Abuse and Pandemics
In the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, these stars are speaking out about the link between eating animals and major disease outbreaks.