Time to End Tests on Animals: New Ads Put Pressure on Dutch Politicians
It’s been five years since the Netherlands first made its anti-vivisection pledge, yet animals continue to suffer in cruel experiments.
Five Ways to Go Green on St. Patrick’s Day
In honour of old Paddy, we’ve come up with five simple ways to go green (and help animals!).
Italy Suspends Mink Breeding – But Why Is Fur Farming Still Not Banned?
Deadly fur farms must be shut down permanently. Here’s why.
RIP: Young Orca Named Skyla Dies at Loro Parque
A 17-year-old orca has died at Loro Parque marine park in Tenerife, Spain.
Pregnant PETA Supporter’s Nipples ‘Bleed’ in Dairy Industry Protest
This Mother’s Day, a mother-to-be shows solidarity for mother cows exploited for milk.
Great News: Boots Drops Captive Great Ape Greetings Cards
Major chemist’s chain Boots has stopped selling cards featuring images of captive great apes after learning from PETA US about the damaging effects.
Why PETA Reported the ‘Happy’ Egg Co to the Advertising Standards Authority
PETA and over 32,000 supporters have urged the Advertising Standards Authority to stop the “Happy” Egg Co from deceiving the public.
Why Are Kate Moss and YSL Still Promoting Fur in 2021?
Today, fur is as dead as the poor animals it was stolen from. Promoting this cruelty is pathetic.
Hundreds of Calves Stranded at Sea for Months Ahead of Being Killed
There were a total of 895 calves on board when the journey from Spain began, but 22 of them died at sea and nine more are unaccounted for.
Cosmetics Testing Ban Anniversary: Why Are Animals STILL Used in Tests?
Eight years ago today, the EU ban on animal tests for cosmetics came into force, promising a future in which animals would no longer suffer and die for the sake of cosmetics. That promise has been broken.