PETA US Protesters in Heels and Hazmat Suits Call On Hermès to Ban Exotic Skins
Today’s socially conscious customers know what they want – and it isn’t the skin of a tortured animal.
Would You Live on Banana Bread Lane?
Why did PETA propose this ‘bananas’ name change for a street in Claines?
Will the COP26 Climate Summit Set an Example and Have a Totally Vegan Menu?
PETA has urged Alok Sharma to offer a completely vegan menu at the COP26 climate summit to help save the planet. Here’s how you can help make that happen.
This Is Why Honey Isn’t Vegan
The not-so-sweet story of the way bees are exploited and killed for humans’ honey addiction.
Dani Harmer Slates SeaWorld in New PETA Ad
The BAFTA award–winning actor and “Strictly Come Dancing” star puts herself in an orca’s place to protest SeaWorld.
Exciting Times! Burger King Ups Its Vegan Game
Burger King now has three vegan burgers to choose from!
PETA Answers Your Questions on Animal Testing for Cosmetics
Which countries still test on animals? What about the UK? What brands are cruelty-free? How can you help animals in laboratories? PETA answers all your questions about cosmetics testing.
Woman ‘Force-Fed’ Through Tube in PETA Foie Gras Protest
PETA is calling on George Eustace MP to state exactly when and how the foie gras ban will be enacted with a new protest in Westminster.
World Day for Animals in Laboratories: PETA Protests Cruel Tests in Bath
Ahead of World Day for Animals in Laboratories, a trio of PETA “scientists” dunked “mice” into beakers of water in Bath’s city centre.
Earth Day: MPs, Councillors, and Celebs Go Vegan for PETA Initiative
Lawmakers and influential celebs have stepped up to show that we can spare animals’ lives, save water, and slash greenhouse-gas emissions simply by going vegan.