Victory! Doncaster Council Rejects Pig Farm
PETA is celebrating Doncaster Council’s decision to reject a planning application that, if approved, would have seen almost 3,000 pigs a year sent to slaughter.
UK’s First Vegan BBQ Week: Everything You Need to Know
Get ready to fire up the barbecue and celebrate the launch of the UK’s first Vegan BBQ Week, which runs from 2 to 11 July!
History in the Making! European Commission Commits to Banning Cages for Animals on Farms
The European Commission has announced a historic decision to “End the Cage Age” for over 300 million hens, mother pigs, calves, rabbits, ducks, and geese.
PETA Celebrates Fur-Free ‘Vogue Scandinavia’
The brand’s 28th edition will not feature fur in any of its editorials.
Alan Cumming Urges COP26 to Go Vegan
Serving meat while trying to fight climate change would be like serving beer at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
Animal Protection Groups Unite and Urge Boris Johnson to Ban Snares
Animal protection groups have united and sent a joint open letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson urging him to ban snares immediately.
MASSIVE NEWS! Canada Goose Is Dropping Fur After Years of Pressure From Animal Rights Activists
Canada Goose has announced it will stop buying fur by the end of 2021 and stop producing items containing by the end of 2022.
Great News: Keeping Elephants at Zoos or Safari Parks to Be Banned!
To stop elephants from suffering from poor mental and physical health in captivity, keeping them at zoos or safari parks in the UK is to be banned!
New PETA Billboard Goes Up to Bring Live Exports Down
To raise awareness for live exports, PETA has just erected a billboard – in an appropriate part of the UK – calling for an immediate end to the cruel trade.
PETA Asia Rescues Chained Monkeys From Cruel Thai Coconut Industry
Lek and Jor, two monkeys chained and forced to pick coconuts in Thailand’s abusive coconut industry, have been rescued by PETA Asia and Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT)!