PETA’s Parliamentary Reception: MPs Call For an End to Experiments on Animals
MPs gathered at a reception hosted by PETA to pressure the government to develop a roadmap to phase out animal experimentation.
Inches From Death: PETA-Supported Team in Ukraine Hit by Drone Attack
PETA’s Protesters Urge University of Bristol to Ban Near-Drowning Test
University of Bristol experimenters must drop these dead-end experiments and switch to superior, human-relevant methods before it comes back to bite them.
Students Want Universities to Stop Funding Animal Experiments
A poll of over 1,000 young people found that an overwhelming majority believe universities should stop funding experiments on animals.
Cashmere Is Cruel – Here Are 5 Reasons Never to Buy It
Goats are exploited and subjected to violence for cashmere. Read on to discover five reasons why you should never buy or wear items made from this cruelly obtained material.
Watch Now: Diwali Celebrations With Rescued Animals at PETA-Supported Sanctuaries
During this celebration, Animal Rahat lights up animals’ lives and you can see happiness in their eyes.
Progress: Egypt Is Taking Steps to Aid Horses and Camels – but More Is Needed
Following pressure from PETA, Egypt is finally taking steps to make meaningful changes for the horses and camels exploited at its top tourist sites. But more is needed.
PETA Asia Delivers Aid to Victims of Tropical Storm Trami
PETA’s Global Compassion Fund enabled swift deliveries of aid near Metro Manila, where floodwaters covered buildings’ ground floors.
Injuries, Illnesses, Deaths: Why Polo Is Hard on Horses
Curious about the horses used in polo? Here’s why polo is hard on them.
Being Vegan Is Not (Just) About Food
Being vegan is about compassion to animals. We can exhibit this with the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and the entertainment we choose.