PETA and VFC Give Away Vegan Chicken to Flocks of University of Bristol Students
Why did PETA and VFC cross the road? To give away free vegan chicken and vegan starter kits to students at the University of Bristol!
75% of Brits Consider Bearskin Caps a ‘Bad Use of Government Funds’
As many people in the UK struggle to pay for essentials like gas and electricity, it’s shameful that the government is wasting taxpayer money on ornamental bearskin caps.
Good News! Luxury Retailer Moda Operandi Bans Fur and Exotic Skins
We are celebrating Moda Operandi’s compassionate decision that will make the fashion world a kinder place for foxes, alligators, and other animals.
Huge Milestone! UK Law Now Recognises Animals as Being Sentient
New legislation now recognises in law that animals are living, feeling beings with complex thoughts and emotions, each able to experience pain, fear, love, and joy.
A Uni Down Under, the University of South Australia, Comes out on Top for Mice
The University of South Australia has become a little kinder to animals after dropping the forced swim test. When will the University of Bristol follow its lead?
PETA Slams Gucci’s Exotic Skins Accessories in ‘Bloody’ Protest
PETA demonstrated the horrors behind Gucci’s exotic skins accessories in a “bloody” protest outside the brand’s flagship store in Milan.
Boris: Animals Need Action, Not Hot Air, Says PETA
A coalition of the UK’s largest animal protection groups has sent a clear message to Boris Johnson: animals need action, not hot air.
PETA’s Parliamentary Reception: MPs Unite in Calling On the MoD to Embrace Faux-Bearskin Cap
The event brought together campaigners and policymakers to call for the high-performing faux bear fur to be quick-marched into service.
Photos: ‘Crying Monkeys’ Protest Against Tests on Animals
Archaic experiments that torment sensitive and intelligent monkeys have no place in the 21st century. Take action to stop them.
Will Salcombe Crab Festival Go Vegan?
There is no humane way to eat a crab. Just like us, they feel pain, have distinct personalities, and want to live.