Victory for Deer in Ireland
The decision to ban the nation’s last remaining stag hunt, the Ward Union hunt, came shortly after PETA sent a letter to Ireland’s Labour Party.
Another Reason to Go Vegan – You Can Help Save Animals AND the Rain Forest!
Most people know that raising animals for food is grossly inefficient; whilst animals eat large quantities of grain, they produce only small amounts of meat, dairy products or eggs.
Victory for Bulls: Catalonia Bans Bullfighting!
PETA – and everyone who cares about animals worldwide – is elated that the Catalan Parliament has banned bullfighting.
It’s Time for the MoD to Embrace Faux Fur
Black or brown – why are any bears killed for their fur when we’re in the 21st century and synthetic materials can be used?
The Story Behind the Statistics
Today, the government has released its annual statistics on animal experiments.
Stella McCartney Helps Spread the Olympics’ Message of Peace and Respect – to Animals
Stella McCartney had been chosen to design the uniforms that will be worn by the British Olympic and Paralympics teams.
Happy Animals, Happy Kids
I’m becoming hardened to the things I see, but a YouTube video which someone had recorded at a British circus in season 2010, upset me in so many ways.
Victory for Fish – Who Are Smarter Than You Think!
We were horrified to learn that Fish/KMI Brands recently sent a gift of live goldfish to Now magazine with the message “Love me, don’t flush me”.
Diary of a PETA Photographer – Pamplona 2010
I was asked to go to Pamplona for PETA to photograph the 2010 PETA and AnimaNaturalis anti-bullfighting demonstration.
Pamela Anderson Shows That All Animals Have the Same Parts
Pamela Anderson is proving that all animals have the same parts and encouraging people to ditch meat.