Closed: Win a Pair of Tickets to See Born to be Wild 3D at IMAX
Narrated by Morgan Freeman, Born to Be Wild 3D follows the lives of orphaned orangutans and elephants and the extraordinary people who rescue, protect and rehabilitate them.
‘Mother Earth’ Says, ‘Save the Environment: Go Vegan’
Model Celt from Superior Model Management appeared as “Mother Earth” in central Edinburgh today, just in time for World Environment Day.
Rabbits Spared From Hell-Hole Misery Thanks to You!
The plans to build two rabbit-breeding farms in East Bridgford and Granby in Nottinghamshire have been shelved, thanks in large part to the many objections the council received.
PETA Joins Host of Animal Protection Charities Calling on Prime Minister to Ban Wild Animals in Circuses
PETA, alongside the majority of UK animal protection organisations, has signed a joint letter to David Cameron calling him to reverse his decision not to ban animals in circuses.
Compassionate Kid: Chris Ware
In recognition of his efforts to help animals, kind-hearted teen Chris Ware has been given a PETA Compassionate Kid Award.
Victory: Royal Shakespeare Company Goes Foie Gras–Free!
After being contacted by PETA and a number of their patrons, the Royal Shakespeare Company and its Rooftop Restaurant have agreed to end their sale of foie gras.
Rip Van Winkle Writes EU Cosmetics Report
Last week, a report was published examining whether certain non-animal toxicity tests would be fully developed in time to replace animal tests in 2013.
Activist ‘Bunnies’ Slam Applications for Cruel and Archaic Rabbit Farms
Our giant costumed “rabbits” gathered outside the Rushcliffe Borough Council office yesterday to protest against applications for two rabbit farms in Granby and East Bridgford, Nottinghamshire.
Lifesaving Hot Weather Tips for Dogs
While we’re all dusting off our flip-flops and our buckets and spades, it’s important to spare a thought for our animal companions.
Fukushima Farmed Animals Get Help
The Japanese Cabinet officially announced that the Prime Minister has ordered the Fukushima governor to euthanise all the farmed animals in the 20 km “no-go” zone.