Closed: Win Squash Champion James Willstrop’s Signed Book and Racquet
PETA pinup James Willstrop has given us the perfect prize for squash fans.
Missing: Charlie, 2 Days Old! Can You Help?
Charlie is missing! He was torn away from his mother by strangers with evil intentions. Can you help save him?
You Did It: Air France Cancels Live Monkey Transport for Animal Testing!
Thanks to your fast work and dedication, we are thrilled to confirm that Air France has cancelled plans to deliver these monkeys into the hands of experimenters!
Paris Without Fur
“Paris Without Fur” (Paris sans fourrure) took place on the last day of Paris Couture Fashion Week.
Unveiled: The Best Vegan Breakfasts in the Country
To mark Farmhouse Breakfast Week, we’ve scoured the country to find the top 10 vegan breakfasts in the country.
Beagles Are Barking With Joy Today!
The government has recognised what the public already knew – that breeding dogs for deadly experiments is a shameful trade.
Sexiest European Vegetarian Sophie Shows All Animals Have the Same Parts
Our Sexiest Vegetarian winner, Sophie Barrett, marked World Week for the Abolition of Meat.
Jallikattu Is Bull****, Say PETA Activists
PETA activists went to the Embassy of India today with signs that read, “Save India’s Reputation: End Jallikattu”, in English, Tamil and Hindi.
Man Gored to Death in Spanish Fire-Bull Festival
A man who attended a festival in Navajas, Spain, has been gored to death.
PETA Supports Eating Meat – Find Out Why
PETA-approved meat – in vitro meat, that is!