PETA Supports #TeamBadger
Badgers across England are currently being threatened: a planned cull will begin soon unless we can convince the government to stop the slaughter.
PETA Invites the Queen to Adopt Her Next Corgi
Monty, who passed away earlier this week, was the oldest of the royal pups, and for 13 years, he lived a truly enviable life.
BON’A PARTE Goes Fur-Free Following a PETA Supporter’s Letter
We were very excited to find out how a Dutch supporter managed to convince a Denmark-based international fashion catalogue to go fur-free.
Kevin McHale of ‘Glee’ Roots for the Underdog
Kevin McHale, who plays Artie Abrams on the Channel 4 hit series Glee, understands what it’s like to be the underdog.
Band Spotlight: Argonaut
The female-fronted grunge-pop band Argonaut, is about to release their self-titled album and still made time to chat with us about something very important – animal rights!
‘Animal Times’ – Free copies to share.
The latest issue of PETA’s Animal Times magazine is hot off the press.
David Cameron, Stop Clowning Around – Ban Wild Animal Circuses Now!
Despite having been instructed by Parliament in 2011 to get wild animals out of circuses, David Cameron has been heel-dragging and stalling on implementing a ban.
‘Animal Abusers Are Cowards’, Says Rugby Star
Last Sunday in County Antrim, Ireland, someone set fire to a 3-year-old border collie, leaving her with extensive burns.
Perth & Kinross Council Save Amphibians From Being Washed Down the Drain
Perth & Kinross Council has come up a response to survey findings which showed that 63 per cent of the drainage gullies in the council area contained some form of wildlife.
Wild-Animal Circus to Close!
PETA has been working hard to get the government to introduce a complete ban on wild animals in circuses.