Victory! Commissioner Confirms That EU Cosmetics Testing Ban Will Go Ahead
We’re delighted by the fantastic news that a ban on the sale of animal-tested cosmetics in the EU will come into effect in March of this year.
Zac Goldsmith to Fortnum & Mason: Throw Out Foie Gras
Zac Goldsmith, MP, has joined the call for Fortnum & Mason to drop foie gras.
Terrified Monkey Returns From Wasteful Trip to Space – PETA Comments
We are appalled by photos of a visibly terrified monkey crudely strapped into a restraint device in which he was allegedly launched into space by the Iranian Space Agency.
The Life of a Piglet
A new documentary, Pig Vision, follows two brothers born on a pretty typical pig farm in Austria.
Maggie Q: Fight Climate Change With Diet Change
There are many proposed solutions to beating climate change, but the most powerful thing that you can do right now is to go vegan.
Were Animals Poisoned in Unauthorised Chemical Tests? PETA Complaint Triggers EU Inquiry
In 2011, we learned that animals may have been poisoned and killed in toxicity tests that should never have taken place, as part of the EU’s chemical testing programme.
PICS: PETA Donates Furs to the Vulnerable
For years, PETA UK has encouraged people to donate their unwanted furs to us under the banner “clear out your conscience as well as your wardrobe”.
Lacey Banghard: Too Much Sex Can Be Deadly
Lacey Banghard teamed up with PETA to stand up for what she believes in – safe sex for cats and dogs!
Don’t Worry – Be Happy
A study published in Nutrition Journal reveals that vegans score better on mood scales and have lower instances of depression and other negative moods opposite to meat-eating counterparts.
If You Wouldn’t Eat a Horse …
No doubt you’ve seen the story splashed all over the papers this week about the horsemeat found in burgers from several major UK supermarkets.