Eat da Veggies Like da Vinci!
Leonardo da Vinci was not only a great artist but also a compassionate person who led a cruelty-free lifestyle.
Stop Air France From Shipping Monkeys to Their Deaths!
Cruelty is in the air, as a result of the shipments of terrified monkeys to laboratories in the cargo holds of some Air France flights. Use your voice to help these animals.
Pigeon Races and Bird Flu: Racing Towards an Epidemic?
Are UK pigeon racers putting human health at risk? After an outbreak of deadly avian flu virus H7N9 Chinese authorities have suspended pigeon races in Shanghai.
Arlene Phillips: Cruel Fortnum & Mason Doesn’t Deserve a Royal Warrant
Arlene Phillips sent a letter this week to Prince Charles asking that Fortnum & Mason be stripped of its Royal Warrants as long as it continues to sell foie gras.
The Secret Life of Badgers – Photos and Facts
As the movement against the UK’s proposed badger cull grows, here’s everything you ever wanted to know about these unique animals.
Five Reasons Why Aintree Is Not So Grand
It’s inevitable that horses will get hurt in this deadly race. Here’s why you should give it a miss.
PETA Ad Gives Christians Food For Thought During Easter
As Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ, we hope they will also act on his teachings by standing up for the oppressed: animals who suffer on factory farms daily.
On a Wing and a Prayer: Pigeons’ Cross-Channel Ordeal Saddens Dame Vera
The “Forces’ sweetheart”, abhors inhumane foie gras, expressed her dismay after PETA US’ exposé of the high death rates and ill-treatment of birds during cross-Channel races.
Cold-Blooded Killers – Routine Cruelty in Pigeon Racing Exposed
Cross-channel pigeon racing’s chilling secret is the widespread killing of hundreds of thousands of birds each year – often by having their necks broken by untrained hobbyists.
The House of Lords Gets Hip to Cruelty-Free Fashion
Debate on ethical clothing in the second chamber recognises PETA’s campaigns to end cruel fashions such as fur.