Advice for Keeping Animals Safe in Stormy Weather
Storms can be terrifying and sometimes dangerous experiences for cats, dogs, birds and other animals, so it’s vital that their guardians take precautions to help them stay safe.
Minister Promises That Full Wild Animal Circus Ban Will Go Ahead
DEFRA Minister Lord de Mauley confirmed that the government will go ahead with plans to keep all wild animals out of circuses.
Law & Orca: Morgan Needs You!
The Dutch government allowed orca called Morgan to be shipped off to Loro Parque, Spain, where it’s kept in small tanks and is abused and forced to perform.
Animal Rights in China – Times Are Changing
China often makes headlines because of the abuse of animals in the country, whether on fur farms, in zoos or in the meat industry.
The Great Vegan Bake-Off 2013 – The Finalists
Mmmmmmmm – cakes, cupcakes, muffins, cookies and pies that look so good you can almost smell them through the computer screen!
Campaign Update: Pamela Anderson Urges the Spanish Senate to Reject Bullfighting Bill
Pamela Anderson has just appealed to the Spanish Senate urging it to reject a bill to protect bullfighting and grant it cultural heritage status.
Hard Facts About a Woolly Industry
Here’s the not-so-fluffy lowdown on wool – and some facts that you’re not likely to learn from the industry’s sales pitches.
Relate to Who’s on Your Plate
If you haven’t yet made the switch to a compassionate plant-based diet, please try to relate to who’s on your plate.
Tiffany Stanley: Turn Your Back on Fur
Irish model Tiffany Stanley is urging her government to give fur the cold shoulder and ban cruel fur farms in a new ad for PETA, by photographer Volker Fleck.
Video: The Sexual Health Benefits of Going Vegan
In honour of World Vegan Day, watch this spicy video that gives a wink to the sexual health benefits of going vegan.