Progress! Australia Is One Step Closer to Banning the Forced Swim Test – What About the UK?
In this archaic experiment, small animals are forced into beakers of water and made to swim for their lives.
Ministry of Defence Misleading Public With Furmark Certification
PETA recently obtained evidence that the MoD is aligning itself with Furmark, a humane-washing fur industry marketing scheme.
Animation Company Behind ‘Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget’ Nabs PETA’s ‘Company of the Year’ Award
Kudos to Aardman for encouraging millions of children and adults to see chickens as individuals like themselves, not as body parts to be battered.
From Heaven to H&M: PETA ‘Angel’ Reveals Hellish Reality of Down
A PETA “angel” outside Regent Street’s H&M store urged shoppers to ditch down and make compassionate choices this Christmas.
Good News! Iranian Space Agency Confirms No Animals Used in Capsule Launch
PETA applauds this compassionate move and continues to encourage the ISA to use only modern, animal-free technology in all its future endeavours.
PETA Calls On UN to Aid Suffering, Starving Animals in Gaza
Animals don’t wage wars, but they’re victims of them, left to die slowly without food, water, or veterinary attention for grievous injuries.
How PETA Championed Animal Rights in 2023
See how PETA and its supporters helped protect animals in 2023.
Breaking Up With Captivity: ‘Love Island’ Twins Challenge Travel Providers Over Marine Parks
The duo is the latest in a growing roster of “Love Island” stars speaking out against marine parks.
Cross-Party Parliamentarians Urge Home Office to Abolish Forced Swim Test
The Home Office must act immediately to end the use of the outrageously crude and cruel forced swim test.
PETA ‘Butcher’ Serves Up ‘British Free-Range Babies’ Ahead of Christmas
Are you repulsed by the prospect of dismembering a baby? Leave animals in peace and off your plate this Christmas – and beyond.