Too Many Tourists Don’t Realise That This Happens Right After the ‘Running of the Bulls’
New video shows the grisly death that awaits the bulls who run through Pamplona’s cobbled streets at the annual San Fermín festival in Spain.
How Many Horses’ Lives Will Royal Ascot Claim This Year?
Elaborate hats and fancy dresses can’t distract from the massacre on the track.
This CGI Elephant Shows How Unnecessary It Is to Exploit Real Animals in Films
Students’ short film gets a PETA award for demonstrating that the use of abused captive animals on screen is obsolete.
‘Hope’: ‘Schindler’s List’ Actor Jochen Nickel Stars in Eerie New Video
What would the world look like if we took lessons from the past to heart?
Will Scotland Be the First Part of the UK to Ban Wild-Animal Circuses?
In a promising new development, the Scottish Government has just said that it is planning to ban archaic circus performances using wild animals.
This Company Got in Trouble With Advertising Standards for Claiming Fur Is Ethical
A fur promoter is ordered to remove its “ethically sourced” claims.
This Is Why Nearly 50,000 People Have Just Written a Letter to Theresa May
We’re determined to prevent thousands of puppies from being bred in a windowless prison and then sent to laboratories for cruel tests.
Wizards Rejoice! New ‘Harry Potter’ Play Stops Using Live Owls
This is a huge relief for every Harry Potter fan who cares about animals.
Villagers and Activists Unite to Get Chicken Factory Farm Plan Rejected in Nottinghamshire
People power has helped stop a horrific new intensive broiler farm from being built.
‘Not a Dairy Queen’ – Alan Cumming Is Making a Statement This Pride
A new vegan campaign starring Alan Cumming will hit gay-pride events across the UK.