Video: Cricketer Jason Gillespie Says There’s Nothing ‘Macho’ About Eating Meat
Jason Gillespie is coaching fans on the benefits of plant-based eating.
VICTORY: Scotland Leads the Way With Bill to Ban Wild-Animal Circuses
Scotland has become the first country in the UK to introduce legislation banning wild-animal circuses.
Fox Hunting: Theresa May Has Pledged to Hold a Vote on Repealing the Ban
Repealing the Hunting Act would be a huge step backwards for humans and animals alike.
FSA Report Says Nearly Half of Young People Are Dairy-Intolerant
Forty-six per cent of people aged 16 to 24 report having an adverse reaction to cows’ milk.
France Bans Captive Breeding of Orcas and Other Dolphins
PETA commends France for the compassionate decision.
Make Your Support for Animals Go Even Further With Payroll Giving
2017 is the 30th anniversary of Payroll Giving in the UK – a tax-free way for compassionate people to power PETA’s vital work for animals.
Horrifying Eyewitness Photos Expose Cruelty on Suffolk Chicken Farm
The chickens are packed into a shed so tightly that many appear to have lost their feathers because of stress, inadequate nutrition, or injuries.
Pamela Anderson Dishes Up Vegan Curry to Homeless Refugees in Calais
Pamela Anderson took to the streets of Calais today to dish up a nutritious, homemade vegan curry.
Finally, Court Grants the Last Chimpanzee in a German Circus His Freedom
After years of campaigning by PETA Germany, the Administrative Court of Lüneburg has ruled that Robby the chimpanzee be moved to an accredited sanctuary.
Cheers! Draught Guinness Worldwide Is Now Suitable for Vegans
Stout-lovers can raise a glass to the fact that draught Guinness around the world is now vegan.