The Vegan Guide to Glasgow
A few years ago, we voted Glasgow the most vegan-friendly city in the UK – this list of places that serve up delicious meat-free food is why!
‘Leather Is Dead’ – Activists Crash London Fashion Week With an Important Message
The activists aimed to raise awareness of the animal suffering behind the skins, furs, and feathers that will be paraded down the catwalk during Fashion Week.
‘Monkey Selfie’ Case Broke New Ground for Animal Rights
The groundbreaking lawsuit asking a US federal court to declare Naruto—a free-living crested macaque—the copyright owner of the internationally famous “monkey selfie” photographs has been settled.
‘Tiger’ Joanna Krupa Visits Westminster to Call for Ban on Wild-Animal Circuses
The supermodel was outside Parliament to speak out for animals exploited in circuses and to urge the government to outlaw this cruel practice in England and Wales.
Watch Ingrid Newkirk Address Israel’s Massive Animal Rights March
Day of Action! Local Activists Demonstrate Outside Thomas Cook Stores Across the UK
Activists held up signs and handed out leaflets in towns and cities from Scotland to the South West, urging Thomas Cook to sever ties with SeaWorld.
100,000 Demand That Europe Lead the Way in Animal-Free Science
Europe should lead the world in progressive and innovative science by ending cruel experiments on animals and accepting cutting-edge, non-animal research methods.
Let’s Create a Vegan World – Not Just Through What We Eat but Also by What We Wear, Buy, and Support
“[W]e’re against cruelty to cows, to pigs, to chickens – yes! – but we’re also against cruelty to dogs and cats and rabbits and elephants and monkeys ….”
Try Lucy Watson’s Mac ‘n’ Cheese, and Enter for a Chance to Win ‘Feed Me Vegan’
Lucy Watson’s ‘Feed Me Vegan’ hits the shelves on 7 September, and we couldn’t be more excited.
Chained-Up ‘Orcas’ Tell Thomas Cook to ‘Stop Supporting Orca Prisons’
The “orca prisoners” visited Thomas Cook stores across the UK to urge the travel provider to sever ties with SeaWorld.