Leeds North West MP Urges Landowners Not to Host Animal Circuses
Alex Sobel MP joins PETA in speaking out against cruel animal circuses and in urging landowners not to permit these exhibitors to use their land.
Where to Find Vegan Food in Brighton
Brighton has a vibrant vegan food scene.
Ministry of Defence Shoots Pigs and Poisons Monkeys in Sickening Experiments
Experimenters at a laboratory at Porton Down military research base shot pigs with a bolt pistol before draining their blood and poisoned marmoset monkeys with biological weapons.
The Billion-Dollar Market for Animal-Free Testing – and Why It Makes Sense
In a new paper, scientists from PETA and our affiliates illustrate the significant ethical, scientific, and financial benefits of ending animal use for drug and chemical testing.
Words Have the Power to Change the Lives of Humans and Animals Alike – We Should Let Them
It’s time we recognized that the words we choose matter, including words about animals.
Thousands Fill City Square to Call for an End to All Bullfighting
Thousands of people, including Spanish celebrities, marched to the square in Madrid – a city once famous for bullfighting.
Discarded Greyhounds Imprisoned, Neglected, and Farmed for Their Blood
‘Orcas Will Only Have One Home: THE WILD’: Primary School Students Write Letters to SeaWorld
The kids received a Compassionate Action Award for their heartfelt letters to the cruel marine park.
BBC Photographer Pledges Percentage of Profits to Help Animals
“We need to start giving back more to our subjects.”
Lewis Hamilton Is on a Vegan Mission
PETA has sent the Formula 1 driver a delicious vegan hamper to help him off the grid.