Waterstones Collaborates With PETA to Promote Vegan Cookbooks
The company has created a “Get Ready to Go Vegan” section on its website that features plant-based recipe books.
Paul O’Grady Calls On Thomas Cook to Stop Selling Tickets to SeaWorld
Over 20,000 people have joined PETA in calling on Thomas Cook to stop promoting and selling tickets to SeaWorld – and now the British icon has added his voice.
What PETA UK Achieved for Animals in 2017
Join us, and let’s make more progress for animals next year.
PETA UK’s 2017 Person of the Year: Sir Roger Moore
“We know that we should protect the most vulnerable and helpless in society, not destroy them ….”
PETA Delivers Fur Coats to Refugees in Lesvos
Coats donated by former fur-wearers will help keep refugees warm during freeze.
McVegan to Be Rolled Out Across Finland and Sweden
The trial was a success.
Scotland Bans Wild-Animal Circuses
MSPs unanimously passed the Wild Animals in Travelling Circuses (Scotland) Bill!
Olympic Diving Champion Chris Mears Stars in Campaign Against Swim-With-Dolphins Parks
The gold medallist is calling on holidaymakers to avoid cruel captive-animal attractions.
Rhys Ifans Urges People Not to Buy Animals as Gifts This Christmas
“If you’re thinking about giving a furry friend as a gift and don’t want to be haunted by the Ghost of Christmas Past, stick to the kind found in toy shops.”
Video: ‘Duckface’ Anna Chancellor Urges the Public to Swear Off Foie Gras This Christmas
The ‘Four Weddings’ and ‘The Crown’ star has teamed up with PETA to reveal the horrific cruelty involved in the production of the vile pâté.