The Paris Olympics: Sponsored by Cruelty
The top sponsor of the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics is a gold medallist in cruelty to animals. See how PETA entities are turning up the heat at this year’s event.
PETA Campaigner Arrested in Ethiopia for Helping Monkeys
Three activists, including an 11-year-old boy, were imprisoned for planning a protest against Ethiopian Airlines for shipping monkeys to laboratories.
Travel Company Drops Running of the Bulls From Itinerary After PETA Push
A tour to Pamplona’s bloody bullfighting festival, San Fermín, has been dropped by Hampshire travel company On Site Events.
10 Horrific Experiments on Guinea Pigs
Nerve-agent poisoning, difficulty breathing, and death – find out how guinea pigs are tormented in UK and EU laboratories.
Spain Called Out for Unsporting Bullfighting Ahead of European Championship Final
PETA is calling for Spain to ban unsporting bullfighting as that country heads into the European Championship final.
Have You Seen PETA’s New Billboard in Yorkshire?
Everyone needs farmers, but farmers don’t need to exploit animals.
Vegan Is the Norm! These Companies Are Making Vegan the Default Option
A growing number of businesses are making vegan options the standard choice in order to meet their climate goals.
5 Things You Need to Know About Donkey Rides
Is your local summer fair offering donkey rides? Keep your children away from this abusive activity.
5 Reasons Not to Buy Scottish Fold Cats
Scottish Folds are a “torture breed”. They often live in pain and struggle to breathe, and some are even born deaf.
Six Injured at Pamplona’s Running of the Bulls
These incidents – further to the horrific slaughter of 60 bulls – are another reminder of the barbarism involved in the San Fermín festival.