Jean-Michel Cousteau Calls On Thomas Cook to Cut Ties With SeaWorld
The renowned explorer and environmentalist sent the travel company a letter to coincide with its announced audit of SeaWorld.
10 Exciting New Launches for Vegans to Look Forward To in 2018
This year has already been a phenomenal one for vegans, as a huge variety of new products has hit stores and restaurants – and the good times are just beginning.
Victory for Pigs! Rugby Council Says No to Cruel Factory Farm
Nearly 23,000 PETA supporters signed a petition opposing this facility, which would have condemned highly intelligent pigs to a life of suffering and misery.
7 Vegan Pies for British Pie Week
To kick off British Pie Week, we’ve pulled together a list of our favourite vegan options.
Victory! Plans for Monstrous Chicken Farm in Northamptonshire Are Withdrawn
Over 5,000 PETA supporters signed a petition objecting to this farm, which would have condemned 4 million chickens to immense suffering and a terrifying death every year.
Traveling in the Philippines? Volunteer to Help Animals
For a minimum donation of PHP$2,500 (around £35), you can join the KLIP program for an afternoon.
England Announces It’ll Ban Wild-Animal Circuses – but Not Until 2020
This is positive news, but animals suffering in circuses shouldn’t have to endure another two years of cruelty
Progress! Camden Market Is Ditching Fur
The iconic London market has announced a ban on sales of fur, which will come into effect on Thursday.
Calves Crammed Into Lorries for Over 5 Days Before Reaching a Grisly End
Last year, over 5,000 calves were discarded by the dairy industry and sent on a gruelling 135-hour journey from Scotland to Spain.
Will Mandatory CCTV in All English Abattoirs Help Animals?
While camera surveillance may help prevent egregious abuse cases, it won’t stop the terror and routine harm that animals endure in the patently cruel process of industrialised meat production.