Activist ‘Cats’ Celebrate Fur-Free Catwalks at London Fashion Week
The group of PETA supporters made a celebratory appearance at this season’s event.
Bloodshed During Iceland’s Summer Whale-Hunting Season
Footage reveals that a rare whale was killed and hauled onto a whaling station during the country’s summer hunting season.
Shocking Video Exposes Cruel Salmon Farming in Scotland
The heartbreaking footage was shot on three salmon farms on the west coast of Scotland over the last couple of months.
Eyewitness: 40 Pigs Thrown Into the Sea in Animal Transport Horror
Lorries loaded with pigs were transported by ferry from Bulgaria to Georgia in the summer heat.
Donkeys on Santorini Abused and Used as Taxis: Please Help Them!
Authorities appear to be looking the other way, ignoring the suffering of the donkeys and mules and silently tolerating breaches of animal-welfare laws. This cruel “tradition” needs to end.
Dead on Arrival: A Million Chickens Die on the Way to Slaughter Each Year
According to a recent report released by “The Times”, animal-welfare violations during the transportation of animals to abattoirs in England and Wales have tripled in two years.
VICTORY! Burberry Bans Fur and Angora
The iconic British brand has announced that it’s ditching these cruelly obtained materials.
Seals Shot and Killed in Scotland by Cruel Salmon-Farming Industry
Since 2011, 800 seals have been killed by sharpshooters working for the country’s fish farmers.
Paloma Faith Urges British Fashion Council to Ban Fur at London Fashion Week
With the next London Fashion Week just around the corner, the singer-songwriter has sent a letter on behalf of PETA asking the BFC to ban the use of animal fur in all its events.
5 Brands to Support Instead of Free People
Despite being made aware of the mohair industry’s cruelty by PETA, Free People has yet to ditch the material.