Life-Size ‘Orca’ Calls On TUI to Drop SeaWorld
Positioned above a banner proclaiming, “TUI: Drop SeaWorld,” a 6-metre-long, listless “orca” made a splash outside TUI’s UK headquarters today.
Victory! British Airways Will No Longer Promote Attractions With Captive Animals, Including SeaWorld
British Airways has grounded all ticket sales to facilities that hold wild animals captive.
PETA US Complaint Prompts Canada Goose to Change False, Misleading Marketing
The brand has changed some of its language (pertaining to “ethical” sourcing) – but not much has changed for the coyotes and geese being killed for its garments.
Is Breast Milk Vegan?
What’s the difference between breastfeeding a baby and drinking another animal’s milk?
Halloumi: A Nightmare for Goats, Sheep, and Cows
It’s time to accept the truth: if she’s not your mum, it’s not your milk.
UK and Ireland’s Hottest Vegan Over 50 2019 – Vote Now
The entries are in – now it’s time to vote to help PETA select the winner!
Can We Really Call Ourselves ‘Feminists’ if We Eat Eggs?
As the battle for control over women’s bodies wages on, feminists are rising up in defence of female reproductive rights. What does it mean, then, when women take another female’s eggs from her?
Victory! Parliament Bans Use of Wild Animals in Circuses in England
Parliament has banned the use of wild animals in travelling circuses in England from January 2020.
Exposed: How Vulnerable Young Calves Are Caged and Isolated on EU Farms
Vulnerable. Isolated. Alone. Can you believe we treat calves this way?
All-CGI ‘Lion King’ Premiere: Rescued Lion Sponsored in Jon Favreau’s Honour
PETA US celebrates the animal-friendly blockbuster and urges Disney – in the name of Mufasa – to pledge not to use live big cats in its productions.