Watch Now: Do Kids Know Where Meat Comes From?
They were asked, “Where does meat come from?” How would they feel if they saw the answer?
Paul Smith Confirms Kangaroo-Skin Ban
The luxury brand has banned all exotic skins following appeals from PETA.
Huge Win for Bulls! Maker of Absolut Vodka Cuts Ties With Bullfighting
The Pernod Ricard group has ended its financial support of the Union of Paul Ricard Bullfighting Clubs following campaigns by PETA France, PETA US, and other animal rights groups.
PETA Int’l Science Consortium–Funded Study: No Need to Bleed Horses to Treat Diphtheria
This exciting scientific breakthrough will help end a threatening human health crisis – without causing horses to suffer.
Irish Horse Killed in South Korea’s Largest Horse Abattoir; Workers Fined for Illegal Slaughter Methods
Following a police investigation prompted by a video exposé of shocking abuse and slaughter of horses at an abattoir in South Korea, two workers have been fined for using illegal killing methods. Irish horse Googlette was among the animals killed there.
Year of the Rat: 15 Fascinating Facts About Rats
Did you know that rats can giggle and sing?
Year of the Rat: Here Are 4 Ways Rats Suffer in Experiments and How You Can Help Them
At the beginning of the Chinese Year of the Rat, we shine a light on the ways rats suffer in experiments and what you can do to help them.
Today Is the Day: No More Wild Animals Will Be Exploited in Circuses in England
From today, circus operators across England will no longer be allowed to exploit wild animals in the name of human entertainment.
We Did It! Pharma Giant Bristol-Myers Squibb Bans Forced Swim Test
Thanks to sustained pressure from PETA and our affiliates, Bristol-Myers Squibb has confirmed a ban on the cruel forced swim test.
Breaking: New Philippines Taal Volcano Rescue Story Will Make You Cry
Right now, an emergency rescue team supported by PETA’s Global Compassion Fund is working to provide animals with food and veterinary care.