Fantastic News! UNIQLO Bans Alpaca Wool After PETA US Appeal
The company’s decision follows an undercover investigation showing animals bleeding and crying out.
Revealed: Dogs Clubbed to Death and Monkey Meat at India’s Disease-Prone Live-Animal Markets
PETA India gathered video footage showing live-animal markets and the wildlife meat trade operating despite their risk of spreading infectious diseases.
Meat Plant COVID-19 Cases Prompt PETA Hazmat-Suit Protest
With the spread of the coronavirus linked to the meat industry, PETA is urging people to protect workers and animals by going vegan.
Brits Think Selling Fur Is Unethical, Outdated, and Cruel – so Why Is House of Fraser Still Doing It?
A new poll reveals that the vast majority of the British public rejects wearing animal fur and considers brands that sell it “out of touch”.
Investigation Exposes Gruelling, Shocking Abuse in Global Leather Trade
Investigation exposes the extreme cruelty that live animals endure as they’re shipped around the world to be killed for leather.
COVID-19 Researchers Avoid Archaic Tests on Animals
Here are some examples of the innovative, cutting-edge, human-relevant methods researchers are using to study the novel coronavirus.
Activists Call For Permanent End to Bullfights and Bull Runs
Members of PETA and Spanish animal protection group AnimaNaturalis joined forces in Spain today.
Success! Asda, Waitrose, Co-op, Tesco, and Others Drop Thai Coconut Brands After PETA Monkey-Abuse Exposé
More than 16,000 stores around the world have pledged never to stock products sourced from monkey labour.
Coconut Industry Uses Terrified Monkeys as Coconut Picking Machines
A disturbing PETA Asia investigation reveals that terrified young monkeys in Thailand are kept chained, abusively trained, and forced to climb trees to pick coconuts used for coconut water, milk, oil, and other products.
Mutilated Monkeys Forced to Lift Weights
Experimenters at Newcastle University put monkeys under gruelling physical strain then killed and dissected them.