MOOve On, Dairy Farmers! PETA’s Billboard Shakes Up UK Dairy Day

Posted by on September 11, 2024 | Permalink

Ahead of UK Dairy Day’s 10th anniversary event at Telford International Centre – where frightened cows will be exhibited like objects – PETA has erected this eye-catching billboard near the venue to reach dairy farmers with an important message:

Natalie Jayne Photography

PETA’s plea also coincides with Back British Farming Day (11 September). We hope it will encourage dairy farmers to get out of the doomed, cow-exploiting industry and instead embrace sustainable, animal-friendly plant farming.

Cows Are Not Milk-Machines

Cows used for dairy are artificially inseminated, and their calves are taken from them shortly after birth so that their milk can be sold and consumed by humans.

Male calves, who are considered a byproduct by the dairy industry, may be shot in the head soon after birth or sentenced to a short, miserable life before being slaughtered and carved up for veal.

Most female calves are destined for the same fate as their mothers: they’ll be used as milk machines until their bodies give out and they’re slaughtered for cheap meat.

Andrew Skowron / We Animals Media

Farmers: It’s Time to Moove On

Forcibly impregnating cows and stealing their babies may be just another day on the job for dairy farmers, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Dairy farmers can leave the violence and heartbreak of their cruel operations behind and pivot towards farming that doesn’t exploit animals, such as growing oats for sustainable plant-based milk.

The Future of Farming Is Vegan

Did you know that 10% of dairy farmers plan to stop exploiting cows for their milk and 23% are unsure whether they will remain in the industry? And 48% of British adults are now using plant-based milks, – including UK-produced oat milk – which contain none of the artery-clogging animal fat and cholesterol of cows’ milk and are better for animals, human health, and the environment.

Government data shows that the consumption of cows’ milk in UK households has almost halved over the past 50 years.

Have you tried plant milks? There’s a huge variety available, so we’ve put together this handy guide to some of the best vegan milks available in the UK – and how to use them:

What You Can Do

Everyone needs farmers, but farmers don’t need to breed animals for their milk. Please urge officials in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland to support ethical and sustainable plant-based farming: