Colombia Bans Bullfighting!

Posted by on May 31, 2024 | Permalink

The Congress of Colombia has passed a historic law banning bullfighting. The move comes after years of dedicated campaigning by animal rights groups, including PETA Latino and our friends at Colombia Sin Toreo.

Colombia has created a blueprint for banning the barbaric practice. The legislation includes plans for labour reconversion for those employed by the bullfighting industry and the transformation of bullrings into venues for cultural, artistic, or sporting events over a three-year transition period.

Bullfighting: a Ritualised Execution

During these bloody executions, stressed bulls attempt to defend themselves against violent human assailants and flee.

But they’re unable to escape as they’re tormented and stabbed with spears and banderillas until their injuries make movement excruciating. Once incapacitated, a matador stabs the animal with a sword. Often, the bull drowns in his own blood when his lungs are pierced.

At the end of the horrific spectacle, a knife is used to cut his spinal cord and he’s dragged away – just as another bull is forced into the ring to endure the same fate.

Help End Bullfights: Urge Spain to Be Next

Now all eyes are on other countries with bullfighting industries, such as Mexico and Spain, to follow suit.

Please sign PETA’s petition urging Spain’s prime minister to implement a similar ban: