Charlotte Crosby Slams Marine Parks in First PETA Campaign With Her Baby Daughter
Tiny tanks? No, thanks. Check out PETA’s latest campaign against marine parks featuring reality TV star Charlotte Crosby and her baby daughter, Alba:
Dressed all in grey to evoke a dolphin, Charlotte and Alba are “torn away” from each other while floating in dark water. This image is a haunting ode to the female marine mammals in abusement parks who are forcibly impregnated and then separated from their beloved offspring.
Stock orca image
The campaign shoot will feature in an upcoming episode of Crosby’s reality show, Charlotte in Sunderland.
“The story of Morgan and Ula shatters my heart as a mam.”
Crosby shared the story of just one of the abused mothers trapped in the marine parks. Watch it here:
Morgan, an orca born in the wild, has been forced to perform tricks for the past 12 years at the notorious Loro Parque in Tenerife. She was bred and gave birth to a daughter named Ula, who died at just 2 years old after enduring a short, miserable life of stress and confinement.
In addition to having no bodily autonomy and often being denied the chance to care for their young, animals held at marine parks endure lives of intense deprivation.
“Knowing what these animals go through … they have no freedom. They are deprived of everything. They are living in the most awful, awful circumstances and conditions. It’s just animal cruelty. That is all it is.”
– Charlotte Crosby
Watch this video to see the reality star reflect on how she would feel if her child were taken away from her:
“Never visit a marine park.”
In the open ocean, orcas and other dolphins swim many miles a day alongside their families and communicate over vast distances by unique dialects of pulsed calls, whistles, and clicks that are passed down through generations.
In marine parks, they languish in pools filled with chemically treated water. They never have the opportunity to dive deep, feel the ocean currents, or choose what to eat.
Please, never go to these hellholes – and urge your friends to stay away from marine abusement parks, too.
Orcas and Other Dolphins Need Your Help
Touched by this campaign? Urge these travel providers to cut ties with animal abuse: