Victory – for Now – as Fox Hunting Vote Is Shelved
The government announced it was cancelling Wednesday’s vote on fox hunting as hundreds of compassionate people protested outside Parliament.
Results From Scotland’s Consultation on Animals in Circuses Show 98 Per Cent in Favour of a Ban
A government consultation has revealed an overwhelming lack of public support for the archaic practice of forcing animals to perform in travelling circuses.
Success! ECHA Responds to Our Letter, Promises to Do More to Reduce Animal Tests
After 24,000 compassionate Europeans signed our open letter to the European Chemicals Agency about senseless experiments on animals, officials assured us that they are taking action.
VICTORY! Benetton Bans Angora After Thousands Take Action
Less than 24 hours after our Angora Day of Action, United Colors of Benetton has confirmed that it will never use angora again.
Victory! Norway’s Last Sealing Ship Has Sailed
Norway’s last sealing ship has sailed, ending the heartless slaughter of seals in the country.
At Last! Denmark Bans Bestiality
A new law makes it illegal to have sex with animals and ends the disturbing animal-sex tourism industry in Denmark.
Success! Cambridge Petting Zoo Plans Cancelled
Animals aren’t exhibits, so we breathed a sigh of relief when we found out that the Grafton Centre in Cambridge cancelled plans to hold a petting zoo.
Good News From New Zealand – Ban on Animal Testing for Cosmetics a Step Closer!
Animals in New Zealand will never have chemicals dripped into their eyes or forced down their throats for the sake of mascara or shampoo.
Victory! Foston ‘Pig Prison’ Application Withdrawn After 35,000 of You Take Action
Good news for pigs, bad news for people who seek to abuse them – plans to build a monstrous new factory farm in Foston, Derbyshire have been shelved!
Britain Takes First Step Towards Ending Animal Testing for Household Products but Doesn’t Go Nearly Far Enough
The government has taken a baby step towards ending the suffering of animals in laboratories by banning tests on animals for finished household products.